Wireless Communications

Wireless Communications (1)

Wireless Communications


Wireless communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor.

Wireless technologies:

The most common wireless technologies use electromagnetic wireless telecommunications, such as radio. With radio waves distances can be short, such as a few meters for television remote control, or as far as thousands or even millions of kilometers for deep-space radio communications.
 It encompasses various types of fixed, mobile, and portable applications, including two-way radios, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and wireless networking.

 Other examples of applications of radio wireless technology  include  GPS units, garage door openers, wireless mice, keyboards  and  headsets, headphones, radio receivers, satellite television, broadcast television and cordless telephones.

Wireless networks:

Wireless networking (e.g., the various types of unlicensed 2.4 GHz WiFi devices) is used to meet many needs. Perhaps the most common use is to connect laptop users who travel from location to location. Another common use is for mobile networks that connect via satellite. A wireless transmission method is a logical choice to network a LAN segment that must frequently change locations. The following situations justify the use of wireless technology:

·         To span a distance beyond the capabilities of typical cabling.

·         To provide a backup communications link in case of normal network failure

·         To link portable or temporary workstations.

·         To overcome situations where normal cabling is difficult or financially impractical.

·         To remotely connect mobile users or networks.

Wireless modes:

Wireless communications can be via:
·         Radio communication.

·         microwave communication, for example long-range line-of-sight via highly directional antennas, or short-range communication

·         Light, visible and infrared (IR) for example consumer IR devices such as remote controls or via Infrared Data Association (IrDA).

·         Sonic, especially ultrasonic short range communication.

·         electromagnetic induction short range communication and power
Applications may involve point-to-point communicationpoint-to-multipoint communicationbroadcastingcellular networks and other wireless networks.
·         Wi-Fi technology.

Wireless services:

·         Telemetry control and traffic control systems.

·         Infrared and ultrasonic remote control devices.

·         Professional LMR (Land Mobile Radio) and SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio) typically used by business, industrial and Public Safety entities.

·         Consumer Two way radio including FRS Family Radio Service, GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) and Citizens band ("CB") radios.

·         The Amateur Radio Service (Ham radio).
·         Consumer and professional Marine VHF radios.

·         Air band and radio navigation equipment used by aviators and air traffic control.

·         Cellular telephones and pagers: provide connectivity for portable and mobile applications, both personal and business.

·         Global Positioning System (GPS): allows drivers of cars and trucks, captains of boats and ships, and pilots of aircraft to ascertain their location anywhere on earth.

·         Cordless computer peripherals: the cordless mouse is a common example; keyboards and printers can also be linked to a computer via wireless using technology such as Wireless USB or Bluetooth.

·         Cordless telephone sets: these are limited-range devices, not to be confused with cell phones.

·         Satellite television: Is broadcast from satellites in geostationary orbit. Typical services use direct broadcast satellite to provide multiple television channels to viewers.

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4G wireless Communications channel in 4G communications,wireless Communications channel in 4G communications,
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