Why Wireless Communications

Why Wireless Communications?

Wireless Communications

All of us use at least one wireless device and most of us ask a question to himself why wireless!!!! 

in this simple article i will try to answer this question 

firstly i will discuss The kinds of transmission medium to know why the wireless is better in some words 

1- Twisted-pair:

It is very low bandwidth and it is easily tapped either physically or by monitoring its electromagnetic radiation

2- Coaxial cable:

It is greater bandwidth than twisted-pair but it is very expensive.

3- optical fibers:

It is very high bandwidth , very high bit rate.

4- Radio (wireless):

It is greatly depending on the particular frequency of the electromagnetic wave

Some of Radio advantages

a- They are very flexible and suitable for all terrain
b- Portable system can be installed very quickly
c- There are often the most cost-effective solution


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Why In 4G wireless Communications channel in 4G communications,wireless Communications channel in 4G communications,
Why In 4G 4G wireless Communication channel,4G wireless Communication channel,

Why Wireless Communications  intro to Why Cellular Systems 1st & 2nd Generations  2nd Generation Standards Why Phases
Communication System Systems Communications Wireless 4G


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