GSM Wireless Communications (3)

GSM Wireless Communications (3)


§  Interleaving

           With an interleaver between the two encoders  serving to make
            the two encoded data sequences approximately statistically
            independent of each other.

§  Ciphering and Encryption

The purpose of ciphering is to encode the
burst so that it cannot be interpreted by any other device than the intended receiver.

The ciphering algorithm in GSM is called the A5 algorithm.
It does not add bits to the burst, meaning that the input and output to the ciphering process is the same as the input: 456 bits per 20 ms.

§  Burst Formatting

Every transmission  from an MS/BTS must
include some extra information such as the training sequence.

The process of burst formatting is to add these bits (along with some others such as tail bits) to the basic speech/data being sent.

In GSM, the input to burst formatting is the 456 bits received from ciphering. Burst formatting adds a total of 136 bits per block of 20 ms, bringing the overall total to 592.

§  Ciphering and Encryption

The purpose of ciphering is to encode the burst so that it cannot be interpreted by any other device than the intended receiver.

The ciphering algorithm in GSM is called the A5 algorithm.
It does not add bits to the burst, meaning that the input and output to the ciphering process is the same as the input: 456 bits per 20 ms.

GSM service security:

GSM was designed with a moderate level of service security. The system was designed to authenticate the subscriber using a pre-shared key and challenge-response. Communications between the subscriber and the base station can be encrypted. The development of UMTS introduces an optional Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM), that uses a longer authentication key to give greater security, as well as mutually authenticating the network and the user – whereas GSM only authenticates the user to the network (and not vice versa). The security model therefore offers confidentiality and authentication, but limited authorization capabilities, and no non-repudiation.

GSM uses several cryptographic algorithms for security. The A5/1A5/2 and A5/3 stream ciphers are used for ensuring over-the-air voice privacy. A5/1 was developed first and is a stronger algorithm used within Europe and the United States; A5/2 is weaker and used in other countries. Serious weaknesses have been found in both algorithms: it is possible to break A5/2 in real-time with a cipher text-only attack, and in January 2007, The Hacker's Choice started the A5/1 cracking project with plans to use FPGAs that allow A5/1 to be broken with a rainbow table attack. The system supports multiple algorithms so operators may replace that cipher with a stronger one.

GSM Services:

§  Fax calls
§  Data calls
§  Short messages service (SMS)

These GSM non-Speech services mean that GSM is a telecommunication network rather than a telephony network.

GSM Evolution:


 GSM wireless Communication channel,wireless Communications channel,
4G Communications, GSM wireless Communications channel
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 GSM wireless Communications channel,wireless Communications channel,
 GSM wireless Communication channel in 4G communication,wireless Communication channel in 4G communication ,
 GSM wireless Communications channel in 4G communications,wireless Communications channel in 4G communications,
 GSM 4G wireless Communication channel,4G wireless Communication channel,


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